"I'm A Cliche" is an event in three acts:
Act One, Nov 17th: The opening presentation of work by Isabelle Frances McGuire
Act Two, Dec 8th: A performance accompanied by bread and ginger ale
Act Three, Jan 7th: A series of musical performances TBA

Installation view.

Installation view.

'Untitled (I'm A Cliché)' Sugar glass. 2017.

'Untitled (I'm A Cliché)' Sugar glass. 2017.

'Untitled (I'm A Cliché)' Sugar glass. 2017.

'There is always someone working harder than you. I am that someone' Dead dough, shrink plastic, June bug. 2017.

'There is always someone working harder than you. I am that someone' Dead dough, shrink plastic, June bug. 2017.

'There is always someone working harder than you. I am that someone' Dead dough, shrink plastic, June bug. 2017.

'There is always someone working harder than you. I am that someone' Dead dough, shrink plastic, June bug. 2017.

Installation view.

'Untitled (I'm A Cliché)' Sugar glass, yeast. 2017.

'Untitled (I'm A Cliché)' Sugar glass, yeast. 2017.

Installation view.

'Untitled (I'm A Cliché)' Dead dough, shrink plastic, flies. 2017.

'Untitled (I'm A Cliché)' Dead dough, shrink plastic, flies. 2017.

'Untitled (I'm A Cliché)' Dead dough, sugar glass, 4x6 glossy photograph. 2017.

'Untitled (I'm A Cliché)' Dead dough, sugar glass, 4x6 glossy photograph. 2017.

Installation view.

'Untitled (I'm A Cliché)' Sugar glass. 2017.

'Untitled (I'm A Cliché)' Sugar glass. 2017.

Installation view.

Installation view.

'Untitled (I'm A Cliché)' Dead dough, shrink plastic, female Green darner. 2017.

'Untitled (I'm A Cliché)' Dead dough, shrink plastic, female Green darner. 2017.