
Installation view.

'Rose: Madame Butterfly (size Fierce)', 2017.

Installation view.

Honey Love, Blessed Teacher (size Loving Kindness)', 2017.

Honey Love, Blessed Teacher (size Loving Kindness)', 2017. Detail.

Installation view.

How to Make Life Better Than One Might Expect... (size Joy)', 2017.

How to Make Life Better Than One Might Expect... (size Joy)', 2017.

by Jenny Wigton for An Authentic Skid Mark.

'Heather: Bride & Goddess of the Moon (size Beauty)' 2017.

'Heather: Bride & Goddess of the Moon (size Beauty)' 2017. Detail.

by Jenny Wigton for An Authentic Skid Mark.

Installation view.

Bride & Princess of Darkness (size Majesty)', 2017.

by Jenny Wigton for An Authentic Skid Mark.

Boss, Witch, Mother, Goddess (size Feminine Divine)', 2017.

Star & Grace & Power (size Grace)', 2017.

Installation view.

Installation view with plant sculpture by Jesse Clark.

Installation view with plant sculpture by Jesse Clark.

Installation view.

Glam Goosebumps Terror (size Fire)', 2017.